Healing Our Heroes:
Parole & Probation Officers

Parole & Probation Officer Mental Health & Substance Use Services

Parole and probation officer stress is an accepted part of the profession, largely due to the extensive amount of responsibility these individuals undertake and the long hours and work-related threats many of them face daily. Unfortunately, mental health services for probation officers and parole officers are lacking, and those in the profession may struggle with internal and external stigmas related to seeking mental health treatment.

At Healing Our Heroes Retreat Behavioral Health, we recognize the need for tailored mental health and substance use services specifically for parole & probation officers, with inpatient and outpatient services designed to address the unique experiences of these individuals.

Probation & Parole Officer Stress Factors

Heavy Workloads

Many probation and parole officers work in understaffed offices where they are required to work long shifts and oversee an ever-growing amount of cases.

Unaddressed Stress & Burnout

Ample responsibilities mean ample stress, with few opportunities to process the daily impact of the job.

Court-Imposed Deadlines

Officers must keep up with court-imposed deadlines or they risk both the freedom of the people they are responsible for and their own livelihood.

24-Hour Work Availability

A probation or parole officer’s work day is never truly done. They have to be on-call 24/7 in case something unexpected happens with one of their clients. They can never switch off.

Regular Exposure to People With Mental Health Problems

Officers work one-on-one with individuals with severe mental health and substance use disorders but are rarely provided with the resources to cope with constant exposure.

Physically Risky Work Environments

Officers are constantly dealing with potentially dangerous people who are not in their custody willingly. They have to be ready for anything to happen at all times.

Strain in Family and Relationships

It’s difficult for family and friends to truly understand what probation and parole officers go through on a day-to-day basis, which can be alienating.

Learn More About Our Mental Health Services for Parole Officers & Probation Officers

If you are a parole or probation officer struggling with your mental health, please know that you are not alone. Our Retreat Behavioral Health team is made up of licensed psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, nurses, and other medical professionals who share our commitment to compassionate care and are here to treat a wide range of mental health conditions. Our staff also includes current and former emergency personnel workers with a deep understanding of what it’s like to work in law enforcement and adjacent fields.

Inpatient and outpatient services, with targeted tracks for substance use, mental health disorders, and co-occurring disorders, are available. Please contact us to learn more about our parole and probation officer stress and mental health services, as well as for additional information on intakes and admissions.

Program includes the following:

Our Florida Treatment Centers

Each one of Healing Our Heroes Retreat Behavioral Health’s Florida treatment centers offers dynamic and thorough care for the probation and parole officers in our community. We offer 24/7 admissions to ensure that help is always available. If you’re a probation or parole officer in need of help with mental health or substance use, or if you know a probation or parole officer in need of help, please contact us for more information or to schedule an intake.

Get Help Now.

    Call (855) 859-8808 for direct assistance

    Follow Us @retreatbehavioralhealth

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